2012 WCS registration is now open!

Welcome to the new WCS site! I have subscribed the past three years’ WCS participants and you are receiving this email notification because of your past involvement. If you do not wish to remain subscribed, use the Unsubscribe link in the right sidebar, but I hope you’ll stay! Please bookmark the new site at http:/wcs.ebernet.biz.

Plans for the 2012 Wind Conducting Symposium have been made and we are excited about having Dr. Mallory Thompson back with us for a 21st year. Use the menus above to read about our symposium schedule, 2012 repertoire, and participation/fee structure. Use the Registration link to register online as a Conductor, Auditor, or Performer. Please be aware that our 12 Conductor spots have “sold out” every year for the past several years, so act sooner than later.

We especially want to invite MEBCI members to participate as Auditors this year. This workshop has taken on national interest, but the original intent remains to give local instrumental conductors an opportunity to renew and refresh their conducting skills in a “low-impact” local format.

Updates and news will automatically be sent to all subscribers. Please share this link with colleagues and encourage them to subscribe as well!

Curt Ebersole